Ordo Scuticociliatida

Small, 1967

Body often small to medium. Ciliation uniform, sometimes sparse, often including specific thigmotactic area(s), somatic kineties composed of single and paired basal bodies, one or more caudal cilia; paroral membrane sometimes dominating feature of oral ciliature, which may lie in extended but shallow oral cavity. Stomatogenesis buccokinetal with complex morphogenetic movements and unique involvement of scutica. Mucocysts prominent, large, elongate, located cortically; fused mitochondria often conspicuously present. Cysts widespread; abundant in marine habitats, free-living or in symbiotic association primarily with invertebrates (especially molluscs, echinoids and annelids), but some edaphic and freshwater species.

Suborder Philasterina
Family Uronematidae
Family Cohnilembidae
Family Pseudocohnilembidae
Suborder Pleuronematina
Family Pleuronematidae
Family Cyclidiidae