Chevreux, 1900
Small animals. Pereonites I and II fused in both sexes (Hyperioides longipes 1). Body more or less slender in both sexes, somewhat compressed laterally. Coxae fused with pereonites. Head between globular and cubical. ANT I in female 2- or 3-articulate, ANT II with single, but moderately long, ART. Gland cone distally rounded. MD with dentate incisor, palp present in males, absent in females. P I and II chelate, others simple. P V and VI slightly longer than others. Dactyls of P V-VII long, with comb of fine setules on proximal third of anterior margin. Telson fairly short.
Two species, single species in the South Atlantic:
Hyperioides longipes Chevreux, 1900