Genus Hyperietta

Bowman, 1973

Small animals. Pereonites I and II fused in both sexes (Hyperietta stebbingi 1). Body somewhat compressed laterally in both sexes. Coxae fused with pereonites. Head high, short anteroposteriorly, without lateral lobes. ANT I 2-articulated, ANT II rudimentary in females. MD with smooth incisor, dentate lacinia mobilis, narrow molar; palp present in males, absent in females. MXP with rudimentary inner lobe, partly fused outer lobes (Hyperietta stebbingi 2, Hyperietta stephenseni 3, Hyperietta vosseleri 1). P I simple (Hyperietta stebbingi 3, Hyperietta stephenseni 2), P II weakly chelate, with spoon-shaped distal process of ART 5 with strong spines. P I and II with conspicuous spines on anterior margin of ART 6; P III and IV with conspicuous spines on posterior margins of ART 4 and 5. Dactyls unarmed.

Five species, 3 in the South Atlantic:

Hyperietta stebbingi Bowman, 1973
Hyperietta stephenseni Bowman, 1973
Hyperietta vosseleri (Stebbing, 1904)