Genus Hyperiella

Bovallius, 1887

Medium-large animals (Hyperiella macronyx 1). All pereonites free. Coxae free. Both ANT I and II in females 4-articulated. Head large, globular, with flat anterior surface, without rostrum and lateral lobes. MD with serrate incisor, palp present in both sexes. P I weakly chelate, P II chelate. posterior margin of ART 6 serrate in this P. P III-VII simple. P V much longer, than III and IV. Dactyls of P III-V very long. Basipodites of UR more or less elongate (Hyperiella dilatata 1, Hyperiella macronyx 2).

Three species:

Hyperiella antarctica Bovallius, 1887
Hyperiella dilatata Stebbing, 1888
Hyperiella macronyx (Walker, 1906)