Genus Hyperia

Latreille in Desmarest, 1823

Medium-large and large animals (15-30 mm). All pereonites free (Hyperia crassa 1, Hyperia spinigera 1). Body globular in females, slender in males (Hyperia curticephala 1). Coxae free. Head globular, deeper than long (especially in females), without lateral lobes and rostrum. ANT I with 3-articulated peduncle. MD with serrate incisor, palp present in both sexes. MXP inner lobe well-developed (Hyperia curticephala 2, Hyperia spinigera 2). P I weakly chelate, distal process of ART 5 only slightly developed (Hyperia crassa 2, Hyperia medusarum 1). P II chelate, distal process of ART 5 thick, spoon-shaped. P III-VII simple, P III and VI slightly longer than others. Rami of UR broader in males than in females.

Eight species, 4 species in the South Atlantic:

Hyperia crassa Bowman, 1973
Hyperia curticephala Vinogradov and Semenova, 1985
Hyperia macrocephala (Dana, 1853) (Antarctic species)
Hyperia medusarum (Muller, 1776)
Hyperia spinigera Bovallius, 1889