Familia Vibiliidae

Dana, 1853

Medium-large animals (5-23 mm). Body compact, moderately slender; head small or moderately large, subquadrangular. Eyes small, oval, separate; rarely represented by a few rows of isolated ommatidies. All pereonites separate. Coxae free. ANT I with short peduncle, large, straight, oval, lance-shaped, or conical first ART of flagellum, remaining ART rudimentary, hardly visible. ANT II thin, subequal to ANT I. MXP with short rounded inner lobe. Only P II chelate (with exception Cyllopus lucasi). P VII may be with reduced distal ART. Rami of all UR free.

Three genera:

Genus Cyllopus Dana, 1852
Genus Vibilia Milne-Edwards, 1830
Genus Vibilioides Chevreux, 1905

All Vibiliidae are associated with gelatinous plankton, mainly with salps.