Familia Paraphronimidae

Bovallius, 1887

Small or medium-large animals (6-15 mm, rarely to 30 mm in female Paraphronima crassipes). Body slender, transparent. Head large, globular, or almost cubical (Paraphronima crassipes 1, Paraphronima gracilis 1). Eyes large, occupying most of head surface. All pereonites free. All coxae fused with pereonites in males, coxae II-V free in females. MD without palp and molar. MXP with fused outer and inner lobes. P I and II shorter than other, P I weakly subchelate. ART 2 of all P narrow, linear. UR with free rami.

Only one genus in family:

Genus Paraphronima Claus, 1879