Genus Halice

Boeck, 1871

Rostrum well-developed (Halice macronyx 1). Eyes absent. Coxae I-IV broader than long. Urosomites with dorsal spines (short and blunt on urosomite I, sharp on urosomite II). ANT I shorter than II. ART 2 of peduncle of ANT I shorter than ART 1, ART 3 shorter than ART 2; proximal flagellar ART fused in males, may be free in females; accessory flagellum well-developed, 3-articulated. Mouth parts grouped quadrately. MD with smooth or slightly serrate incisor, both with lacinia mobilis, mandibular palp present, 3-articulated (Halice secunda 2). MX I with both lobes, 2-articulated palp. MX II with especially long, narrow lobes, inner lobe somewhat shorter than outer. MXP with reduced inner lobes, with apical setae, palp 4-articulated, nearly as long as inner margin of outer lobe. P I and II simple, weak, without posterior lobes in ART 5, dactyls simple, or rarely with their distal section spinose and the base unarmed. ART 5 of P II expanded. P V-VII long, slender, dactyls slender and styliform. Rami of UR III elongate-oval with setae on inner margin, exopodite with small distal ART. Telson cleft 40 % or more (Halice secunda 2).

Twenty-two species, mainly benthic; two in the South Atlantic plankton.

Halice macronyx (Stebbing, 1888)
Halice secunda (Stebbing, 1888)