Genus Danaella

Stephensen, 1925

Male body more or less slender, female globular (Danaella mimonectes 1), with pereonites III-VI especially enlarged (IV and V extremely enlarged). Accessory flagellum of ANT I absent (Danaella mimonectes 3). Epistome not prominent. MD lacking molar and palp. Outer lobes of MXP large, opercular, covering small curved inner lobes; palp completely absent. P I simple, with very short dactyl. P II simple. Coxae I-II small, hidden by subsequent coxae. Urosome consisting of two large segments with vestigial urosomite III. Inner rami of UR I-II short, spiniform (Danaella mimonectes 2); UR III like vestigial microscopic bud. Telson absent. Purely pelagic genus.


Danaella mimonectes Stephensen, 1925