Familia Spinocalanidae

Vervoort, 1951

Ce and Pd1 separate, Pd4 and 5 separate or partly fused, (Isaacsicalanus), may be prolonged into lobes (Monacilla, some species of Spinocalanus). Pd1-4 sometimes with lateral spinules. Ur of 4 somites, Gns symmetrical or asymmetrical (Monacilla). R 2-pointed (Monacilla), 1-pointed (Damkaeria); single long blunt cone (Teneriforma, Kunihulsea, Isaacsicalanus); or absent (Spinocalanus, Mimocalanus Mospicalanus). A1 23-24-segmented, 8-9 segments fused. A2 Exp of equal or greater length than the Enp; Exp 7-segmented; Exp1 with 0-2 setae; Exp2 with 2-3 setae (majority of spinocalanids), or 1 seta (Isaacsicalanus), seta absent or reduced (Mimocalanus, Spinocalanus part. and Rhinomaxillaris). Exp2 and Exp3 separate (Mimocalanus, Isaacsicalanus), partly fused, or completely fused (Spinocalanus, Teneriforma). Enp1 with 2 setae. Md Enp1 with 2-4 setae, Enp2 with 10-11 setae (9 in Isaacsicalanus). Mx1 Li1 with 9 terminal spines and 0-4 posterior setae, with 1 mid-marginal anterior surface seta, and with or without 1 small distal anterior surface seta; Li2 with 4-6 setae (3 setae in Damkaeria, 2 setae in Kunihulsea and 1 seta in Isaacsicalanus); Li3 with 4 setae (3 setae in Kunihulsea, 2 setae in Teneriforma, seta absent in Isaacsicalanus); Li4 with 5 setae(4 setae in Mospicalanus, 3 setae in Kunihulsea); Enp1 plus Enp2 varies from 3 to 7 setae (10 setae in Kunihulsea); Exp with 9(?)-11 setae; Le2 small with (Monacilla), or without minute seta (Spinocalanus part., Mimocalanus), or absent (Spinocalanus part.); Le1 with 9 setae. Setation of Mx1 deviates strongly in Rhinomaxillaris. Mx2 Li1-Li5 with 5-7, 3, 3, 3 and 2-4 setae respectively; external seta present (Monacilla, Spinocalanus part.) or absent; sometimes Li6 is quite well-developed with setae (2 setae in Monacilla, Kunihulsea and Spinocalanus). Mxp Coxa with 1 proximal seta (sometimes absent), and usually with groups of 2, 3 (1 seta in Teneriforma, absent in Isaacsicalanus) and 3 (4 in Mimocalamus, 2 setae in Teneriforma and 1 seta in Isaacsicalanus) setae from proximal to distal; Coxa and Basis sometimes with transverse spine-comb. Enp1-Enp5 usually with 4, 2-4, 2-3, 3- 4 and 4 setae respectively. Setation of Mx2 and Mxp deviate in Rhinomaxillaris and Sognocalanus. P1 Exp1 without outer spine in Mimocalanus, and Teneriforma; both Exp1 and Exp2 without external spines in Isaacsicalanus; Enp with external lobe. Surfaces of some segments of swimming legs may be spinulose.
Spine and setae formula: Spine and seta Spinocalanidae.
P5 absent.

Ce and Pd1 partly fused or separate, Pd4 and 5 separate. Ce in Spinocalanus usually expanded dorsally to nearly cover Pd1. R a reduced knob, long cone, or absent. Ur of 5 somites. Anal somite usually reduced (Spinocalanus) or not reduced (Teneriforma). A1 with segments 8-9 fused, segment 10 separate from or fused partly or completely with segment 9; segment 20 merging with 21, with noticeably wrinkled margins, on right side in species with left-handed P5 and on left in species with right-handed P5; segments 24 and 25 separate, segment 25 may be reduced. A2, Md, Mx1, Mx2 and Mxp reduced. P1-P4 generally similar to those of female. P5 simple, Basis uneven, usually longer on left (left-handed): P5 biramous, present on both sides, Exp usually 3-segmented, Enp styliform (majority of Spinocalanus species); or one of Exp not styliform (Monacilla); uniramous, sometimes present on right side only, 4-segmented (Damkaeria), or uniramous and well developed on left side only, 5-segmented, but reduced on right (some Spinocalanus species, Teneriforma).

The family contains the genera listed below, of which only Mimocalanus, Monacilla, and Spinocalanus have been found in the South Atlantic (*):

Genus Damkaeria Fosshagen, 1983
Genus Isaacsicalanus Fleminger, 1983
Genus Kunihulsea Schulz, 1992
Genus Mimocalanus Farran, 1908 *
Genus Monacilla Sars, 1905 *
Genus Mospicalanus Schulz 1996
Genus Rhinomaxillaris Grice and Hülsemann, 1967
Genus Sognocalanus Fosshagen, 1967
Genus Teneriforma Grice and Hülsemann, 1967
Genus Spinocalanus Giesbrecht, 1888 *