Pelseneer, 1887
Either two lateral sucker arms, or one median and two lateral arms. Buccal mass with well-developed radula and pair of hook sacs filled with large hooks. Gills usually at posterior body pole and in middle of right lateral side. In juvenile specimens bands of cilia are present where gills will develop and around hood, covering proboscis and buccal organs. Penis, absent during female stage, is evaginable and in some species provided with an extra sucker; in species without sucker a special median tubercle appears at base of posterior footlobe. Skin usually with chromatophores. With acetabuliferous arms. With at least one gill.
Genera treated:
Genus Pneumoderma Dumeril, 1806
Genus Pneumodermopsis Keferstein, 1862
Genus Platybrachium Minichev, 1976
Genus Schizobrachium Meisenheimer, 1903
Genus Spongiobranchaea d'Orbigny, 1836
[Table Pneumodermatidae]