[Crustacea] There are three pairs of maxillipeds, situated posterior to the maxillae. They are involved in the handling and breakdown of food, although originally of thoracic origin. The third maxilliped is usually the least modified, and may resemble a pereiopod on casual inspection.
[Ostracoda] The fifth limb when adapted for feeding.
[Amphipoda] (Abbr. MXP) maxillipeds are formed by an inner and an outer lobe (=plate). In gammarids the outer lobe has a 4-articulated palp (rarely reduced), whereas the palp is always absent in hyperiids. In the latter the inner lobes of the maxillipeds are partly or completely separated in most of the Physosomata, but completely fused into a single median lobe in other hyperiids, or reduced. Outer lobes may be broad or narrow, in some cases fused into a single plate (family Paraphronimidae). Maxillipeds were originally the first pair of thoracic legs, but they (with their body's segment) have become completely incorporated into the cephalic complex and are therefore included in the mouth parts, rather than among the legs of the pereon.
Alternative forms for maxilliped : Maxillipeds (pl.), [Amphipoda] MXP, [p][/p].